About Brian

Brian is a nice guy who lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Quote from Mr. Shaw

Nice quote from Mr. George Bernard Shaw:

Power is the faculty or capacity to act, the strength and potency to accomplish something.  It is the vital energy to make choices and decisions.  It also includes the capacity to overcome deeply embedded habits and to cultivate higher, more effective ones.


The wisdom of Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu was a pretty smart dude.  (He’s a guy, right?)  I enjoy many of his quotes, and today this one is speaking to me:

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

From a work and career standpoint, I often know what needs to get done but then resist that understanding and do something else.  There is a special magic in following your instincts.  A power in making decisions and then acting on those decisions.

I have a sign near my computer that reads, “Decide then Act!”.  Lately my process has been, “Decide, then think about many possible scenarios, then analyze, then doubt the decision, fear the possible consequences, and finally go back to the drawing board to make a new decision.”  It’s been like playing a game of chess, where you decide the move you want to make and then never actually do it.

I’m working to let things flow more naturally and take courageous actions rather than live in a cloud of self-doubt and fear.


Splurge Meal – August 10th

photo (47) For the most part, each day I eat the same foods as the day before. For example, breakfast today will be the same breakfast yesterday and this breakfast has been the same with a few slight modifications since April 27, 2013. This presents some mindless behavior where I no longer think about food or the decision of what to eat. Even at a restaurant, I go straight to the salads and select the most interesting one…dressing on the side, of course.

The primary exception is the Splurge Meal. This is the one meal each week where I put together the most exciting meal that I can develop. The splurge meal is a true gastronomic delight, often including combinations of my favorite foods off-limits and not included on the normal eating plan. Think Deep-dish pizza with garlic breadsticks, brownies and root beer. Think fried cheese. Think fried anything. Think bacon-double cheese burger with seasoned hand-cut fries and strawberry milk shake. You get the idea!

I thought it might be fun to catalog some of these splurge meals. Here is the one from last night:

1. Beverage: Dream Machine Beer from Magic Hat Brewery
2. Sandwich: Pastrami Dip – Pastrami and Swiss on a pretzel bun from Jake’s Deli
3. Sides: Kosher Dill Cruncher Potato Chips and Potato Salad
4. Dessert: Kopp’s Caramel Cashew Custard and Chocolate Chip Cookie

What is your favorite Splurge Meal?
