Being pro life is not an option for those who call themselves Christian – it is a duty!

I’d like to share the closing paragraph of a sermon that our Pastor gave about the Pro-Life movement. You can read the full version here.

I encourage you never to be lost in the hype that surrounds so much of the abortion debate. Find the truth about all the life issues, for a society which is increasingly violent needs the truth – not platitudes, not soundbites, not distorted media representations. Unborn children are the only class of human beings in our society that have absolutely no protected rights under the law – not even the right to live! Who will speak for these children? They are silent, hidden, and defenseless. We are the only voices those children will ever have. Let us use our voices to change the hearts and minds of all those who favor, promote, seek, or perform abortions. Being pro life is not an option for those who call themselves Christian – it is a duty!

Fr. Christopher Senk


Breasts in Public

Wisconsin has a new Breastfeeding law that states the following:

“A mother may breast-feed her child in any public or private location where the mother and child are otherwise authorized to be. In such a location, no person may prohibit a mother from breast-feeding her child, direct a mother to move to another location to breast-feed her child, direct a mother to cover her child or breast while breast-feeding, or otherwise restrict a mother from breast-feeding. A person who interferes with that right is subject to a forfeiture not to exceed $200 under the general penalty provision under current law.”

A woman can legally expose her breast in public while feeding her child?  And if I ask her to cover up, I can be fined $200? 

I’m not sure how I would feel if I’m eating lunch and the woman at the next table’s breast is exposed.  I’m all for breast feeding in public, and understand the merits, but shouldn’t a woman be required/expected to cover the breast?
